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The Fifth renewal of the Barita-sponsored Drax Hall Masters Invitational football competition is slated for the Drax Hall Sports Complex, St. Ann on Sunday, December 18.

Teams taking part include, Portland Masters, Los Perfectos, St.Ann Masters, Kingston Commissioners, Harbour View and Holders Tourers of Montego Bay.

Violet Tourers, the defending champions, will be boosted by former Premier League stalwarts, and National players such as Norman Foster, Hector Wright, Warren Barrett, and Theodore Whitmore. Matches are set to begin at 12 noon and end at 9pm.

Other stand out players taking part are: Byron Earle, Kevin O’Sang, Donald Stewart and Christopher Powell.

The competition is being title-sponsored by Barita‎ to the Tune of $100,000 along with associate sponsors, Clinicare Pharmacy, Smoke Marlin Restaurant, UG’s Cellular and Selbys Transport.

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