Random thoughts on footballers I can remember

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Skill (Bychang)  most consistent midfielder, i remember you and your game. I remember when I used to sit and watch you juggle without the ball touching the ground~
Windsor United footballer.

Manna(Squarey) no I haven't forgotten about you, if someone wants that ball, you can go down the flank and put it pon him eyelash!

Shaggy(Chelsea) I remember you, shared some good laughs with you last year and teased you about your knee. Sorry you had to quit playing so early!

Norris (Volvo, Black Stars, Brazil), good forward, I remember you! you helped me to love the game!

Nocklyn (Chelsea), much respect to this day!

It is not often you get to play with your football idols, or the fact that they supported you all the way, but I was fortunate to have met mine and appreciate them encouraging me all the way.  There are many folks I respect in the game before and during my time, but extra special mentions for me has to go out to my Idols:
Echo Barnaby
Willie Bobo
Copy Murphy
Lenkyroy Lugg
Major (Kimble)

Without these folks I wouldn't have love football so much, or wanted to emulate them in games.   You dragged me to training with you, and dragged me onto the field every chance you could spare.  This is why I would not hesitate to put your memory on a forum that should last for all times. Thanks guys.
Wink Bless up. See my profile for more info.  Wink
(This post was last modified: 05-01-2017, 06:26 PM by johntom.)

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