Jamaica At The Olympics

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I feel it would be a good idea if JFF decide they are building a program for the next olympic, that way they can start set a premise where even under 16 kids can be chosen and watched as they advance in skills.

If a group of kids come together and get that connection it is certain they will have a different kind of power and energy when it comes to competitive advancement.
JFF should have 19 year old kids competing in the Olympics qualifier because that will give them the necessary international experience needed. This experience is important because they will have brushed off a lot of the fright, unfamiliarity, as well as being caught up in the moment which comes with the territory of playing on international levels.

More exposure, is more relaxation and that leads to just focusing on playing football, instead of wanting a selfie with your favorite international player.
Wink Bless up. See my profile for more info.  Wink

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